Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Well, we've consumed dinner, watched a bunch of parades and pageantry, three traditional football games and started to eyeball the leftovers. Let's not let the day go by without a great big shout out to the troops overseas keeping us safe and free to enjoy out diner and families.

Thanks to all in uniform for your sacrifices. See you soon safe and sound stateside.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Welcome Race Fans!

The NASCAR event is in town this weekend. The ZIG Shop is within a mile or so of the track so I've been able to hear alot of the races from the back. Tonite is the big race though and the traffic shows it. Here at the shop, we are going to watch the football game, (Miami Dolphins) and the traffic both in the air and on the ground. The race starts around 3 PM eastern. They always have a bit of an airshow before the race so we'll have to keep an eye out for that.  I'm not a huge NASCAR fan, but I've been to my share of the races in the past. Always a fun time to be had. Lets hope for a safe race and that everyone makes it home safely afterwards. 

Just a thought, I wonder if anyone would want a custom "88" guitar or another special paint job on a custom eco-Axe? Just a thought. maybe I'll do one for my favorite Driver in F-1...

Thanks for checking in, Stay Tuned!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

A New Era for America

Congratulations President Elect Barack Obama!

This week most Americans participated in a historical event by voting in one of the most important general elections in our lifetime. We elected an African-American as our 44th President.

Now, let me first say that he was not the candidate I supported, however; I do and did realize the significance of the election for the country first of all, but also for the world. Never have I seen celebrations in the streets of other countries like Germany and Canada over the election of our President. It seems that the world agrees with the popular vote. Like I said, I didn't vote for President Elect Obama, but I realize the importance of the election.

I do want to take this opportunity to congratulate our new President and to offer my support.

Lets all join together as Americans and do whatever the country ask us to do and lets all support President Elect Obama.